The Access and Delivery Services (ADS) Department performs the functions that enable use of Duke Libraries’ extensive collections.  This includes manning the Perkins Service Desk, circulating materials, maintaining collections in the stacks, providing course reserves, offering interlibrary loan services and managing related records and policies.

Andrea Loigman (she/her/hers)
Head, Access and Delivery Services
Joseph L Bailey
Library Assistant for Stacks Maintenance and Retrieval
Evening Service Desk Assistant
Rachel Cohn
Interlibrary Requests Assistant, Senior
Resource Sharing Librarian
Sonya Hinsdale
Circulation Coordinator
Annabella Irvine
Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Assistant
Alex Konecky
Access and Library Services Assistant
Jeremy Martin (he/him/his)
Reserves Coordinator
Seth McCurdy
Physical Collections and Inventory Supervisor
Amy Ravenel-Baker
Interlibrary Requests Coordinator
Interlibrary Requests Assistant
Stacks and Photocopy Assistant
Michael Terrell
ILL Lending Assistant
Perkins Service Desk Supervisor
Bella Yaguda
Stacks Maintenance Assistant