As Serials & Electronic Resources Acquisitions Librarian, I am responsible for the acquisition, licensing, and renewal of electronic resources, print serials, and monographic series and sets at Duke University Libraries. I currently convene the DUL Licensing Team, which negotiates e-resources licenses and provides licensing expertise for the Libraries.
I am also Team Lead for the Serials Management Team. The Serials Management Team:
- handles print and online continuing resource orders (including ordering, claiming, and renewal)
- receives new serials, periodicals, and monographic series and sets issues and volumes
- updates and maintains print serial holdings and item records
- handles periodicals binding
- provides support for print and e-resources collections management projects
I began my career at Duke University Libraries as Electronic Resources Management Librarian in 2017. Prior to working at Duke, I worked in e-resource management at UNC-Chapel Hill as part of the Carolina Academic Library Associates program, as an academic tutor, and at a public library in Charleston, SC. I received my BA in History from UNC-Wilmington, my MA in History from the College of Charleston, and my MS in Library Science from UNC-Chapel Hill.
My professional and personal research interests include serials and electronic resources librarianship, collections management, workflow and policy development, history of the book and libraries, and nineteenth-century intellectual history.

- Pronouns she/her/hers
Mailing Address
Box 90187
Smith Warehouse
Durham, NC 27708-0187