Angela Zoss, Ph.D.
Head, Assessment & User Experience Strategy Department
Since December 2021, I have served as the Interim Head and now Head of the Assessment and User Experience Strategy (AUXS) Department. I provide leadership and direction for the Duke University Libraries’ strategy and practice of Assessment and User Experience, including developing, maintaining, and integrating user-focused web content, data, and discovery platforms.
From 2018 to 2021, I worked as the Assessment and Data Visualization Analyst in AUXS, offering support for special data projects and providing leadership and project management for a variety of teams related to library reporting, gathering user data, and making improvements to library spaces and services.
From 2012 to 2018, I worked as the Data Visualization Coordinator for Data and Visualization Services (now the Center for Data and Visualization Sciences). In that role I created many library workshops and short courses on visualization; consulted with students, researchers, and faculty members on research projects; and helped to introduce visualization concepts and tools into a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses.
I hold a Master of Science in Communication from Cornell University and a doctorate in Information Science from Indiana University. My research has spanned a wide range of subjects and methods — from qualitative analysis of interview and observational data to pattern detection in large, quantitative datasets.
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William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, Box 90175
Durham, NC 27708 - Location Bostock 031